🐝 Bee Wax Candle🕯




Beeswax candles are some of the oldest candles in history.

Besides being all-natural, they possess several health benefits. They are reported to improve allergy and asthma symptoms. Like air purifiers, beeswax candles release negative ions that neutralize the particles from air pollutants, rendering them harmless.

🐝 Increases sense of well-being and mental clarity. Often called a natural anti-depressant, especially for those with Seasonal Affective Disorder.
🐝 Improves breathing rate, decreases blood pressure and relieves tension. 
🐝 Helps you sleep better by normalizing serotonin in the brain.
🐝 Reduces headaches and other sickness. One study found that installing negative ion air cleaners in a high-tech work environment reduced employee reports of headaches and illness by 78%.


"Heal the world🌍 "




🐝 緊張を和らげ、力を発揮できる状態にする。
🐝 親しみが生まれ仲間意識を高める。
🐝 エネルギーと開放感を与える。

🐝 ぐっすり寝れるようになり、頭痛を削減。





#サンライズアカデミーアフタースクール  #蜜蝋キャンドル #自然な空気洗浄機 #英語学童 #綱五郎